JMdict 200217
Word 海驢 ; 葦鹿 ; 海馬
Reading あしか ; みち ; アシカ
Translation dut zeeleeuw {dierk .} ; Californische zeeleeuw {i .h.b.} ; Zalophus californianus ; slaapkop {fig .} ; slaperik {gew .} ; zeeleeuw {dierk .} Translation spa león marino ( una especie de morsa ) ; león marino
Translation eng eared seal ( esp . the California sea lion , Zalophus californianus ) ; sea lion Translation ger Robbe ; Seelöwe ; Otariidae Translation rus Перонов морской лев , сивуч , Neophoca cinerea ( Per . et Les .)
Crossref 海豹

JMdict 200217
Word アシカ科
Reading アシカか
Translation eng Otariidae ; family of eared seals

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