Unicode 5.2
Character Definition broom ; to sweep , clear away
Pinyin SAO4 SAO3 Jyutping sou3 On SOU Kun HAKU Hangul Korean SO Tang *sɑ̌u

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sweep , clear away ; exterminate
Pinyin SAO3 SAO4 Jyutping sou2 sou3 On SOU Kun HAKU HARAU Hangul Korean SO Tang *sɑ̌u sɑ̀u Viet tảo
Simplified U+626B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to scratch
Pinyin SAO1 ZHAO3 Jyutping sou1 On SOU Kun KAKU Hangul Korean SO Tang *sɑu Viet trao
Variant U+63BB

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition broom ; to sweep , clear away
Pinyin sào Jyutping sou3 On SOU Kun HAKU Hangul : 1N Korean SO Tang *sɑ̌u

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sweep , clear away ; exterminate
Pinyin sǎo Jyutping sou2 sou3 On SOU Kun HAKU HARAU Hangul : 0E Korean SO Tang *sɑ̌u sɑ̀u Viet tảo
Simplified U+626B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to scratch
Pinyin sāo Jyutping sou1 On SOU Kun KAKU Hangul : 0N Korean SO Tang *sɑu Viet trao
Variant U+63BB

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