Unicode 5.2
Character Definition victory ; excel , be better than
Pinyin SHENG4 SHENG1 Jyutping sing1 sing3 On SHOU Kun KATSU MASARU TAERU Hangul Korean SUNG Tang *shiə̀ng Viet thắng
Simplified U+80DC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arise , go up ; hoist ; advance
Pinyin SHENG1 Jyutping sing1 On SHOU Kun MASU NOBORU Hangul Korean SUNG Tang *shiəng Viet thăng
Variant U+6607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rise , ascent ; peaceful ; peace
Pinyin SHENG1 Jyutping sing1 On SHOU Kun NOBORU Hangul Korean SUNG Tang *shiəng Viet thăng
Variant U+5347

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition holy , sacred ; sage
Pinyin SHENG4 Jyutping sing3 On SEI SHOU Kun HIJIRI Hangul Korean SENG Tang *shiɛ̀ng Viet thánh
Simplified U+5723 Variant U+580A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound , voice , noise ; tone ; music
Pinyin SHENG1 Jyutping seng1 sing1 On SEI SHOU Kun KOE Hangul Korean SENG Tang *shiɛng Viet thanh
Simplified U+58F0

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition victory ; excel , be better than
Pinyin shèng Jyutping sing1 sing3 On SHOU Kun KATSU MASARU TAERU Hangul : 0E Korean SUNG Tang *shiə̀ng Viet thắng
Simplified U+80DC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition arise , go up ; hoist ; advance
Pinyin shēng Jyutping sing1 On SHOU Kun MASU NOBORU Hangul : 0N Korean SUNG Tang *shiəng Viet thăng
Variant U+6607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rise , ascent ; peaceful ; peace
Pinyin shēng Jyutping sing1 On SHOU Kun NOBORU Hangul : 0E Korean SUNG Tang *shiəng Viet thăng
Variant U+5347

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition holy , sacred ; sage
Pinyin shèng Jyutping sing3 On SEI SHOU Kun HIJIRI Hangul : 0EN Korean SENG Tang *shiɛ̀ng Viet thánh
Simplified U+5723 Variant U+580A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sound , voice , noise ; tone ; music
Pinyin shēng Jyutping seng1 sing1 On SEI SHOU Kun KOE Hangul : 0E Korean SENG Tang *shiɛng Viet thanh
Simplified U+58F0

Records 1 - 10 of 10 retrieved in 78 ms