
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition there is no need
Pinyin BENG2 QI4 Jyutping bang2

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin beng2
English need not ; ( contraction of and )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition there is no need
Pinyin béng Jyutping bang2

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin beng2
English contraction of 不用 ; need not ; please don't

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin beng4
English ( dialect ) very

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin beng2
Deutsch nicht , nicht nötig , es erübrigt sich

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin beng2
Deutsch nicht , nicht nötig , es erübrigt sich (u.E.)

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