Unicode 5.2
Character Definition talent , skill , ability
Pinyin JI4 QI2 Jyutping gei6 On KI GI Kun WAZA Hangul Korean KI Viet
IRG South Korea 0-506B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition noticeable , large ; clear , distinct
Pinyin ZHUO1 Jyutping coek3 On TAKU CHOKU Kun OOKII AKIRAKA TAKAI Hangul Korean THAK Viet xấc
IRG Japan 0-506B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition must , have to , necessary
Pinyin XU1 Jyutping seoi1
Traditional U+9808 U+9B1A Variant U+9808
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-506B

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