Unicode 5.2
Character Definition must not , do not ; without , never
Pinyin WU4 Jyutping mat6 On BUTSU BOTSU MOCHI Kun NASHI NAKARE Hangul Korean MWUL MOL Tang *miət Viet vật

JMdict 100319
Reading ええ
Translation eng yes ; that is correct ; right ; um ; errr ; huh? ; grrr ; gah ; Must I? ; good Translation ger ja ; äh ; wie ; wie bitte ; nun ; also Translation fre oui Translation rus да

JMdict 100319
Word に違いない
Reading にちがいない
Translation eng I am sure ; no doubt that ; must ; must have ( done )

JMdict 100319
Word 可き
Reading べき
Translation eng should ( suf . to verbs ) ; must ; that one ought to ; to be done ; ( passive ending ) -able Translation ger sollen ; müssen

JMdict 100319
Reading まじ ; マジ
Translation eng serious ( not capricious or flirtatious ) ; cannot ; should not ; will not ; must not Translation ger ( ugs .) ; ernsthaft ; ernst ; aufrichtig
Crossref まい

JMdict 100319
Word 可からず
Reading べからず
Translation eng must not ; should not ; do not

JMdict 100319
Word 必着
Reading ひっちゃく
Translation eng must arrive ; must be received Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; etw ., das unbedingt bis zu einem bestimmten Termin ankommen muss ; ( Brief etc .) Translation fre doit être reçu ; doit arriver

JMdict 100319
Word 勿れ ; 莫れ ; 毋れ
Reading なかれ
Translation eng must not ; do not Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; nicht sein ; nicht tun ; nicht sollen ; nicht dürfen

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading まな
Translation eng must not ; may not

JMdict 100319
Word 可し
Reading べし
Translation eng shall ; should ; must

JMdict 100319
Word 罷り成らぬ ; 罷りならぬ
Reading まかりならぬ
Translation eng not be allowed ; must not Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; nicht dürfen ; nicht gehen

JMdict 100319
Reading べからざる
Translation eng cannot ; must not
Crossref 可からず

JMdict 100319
Reading べきではない
Translation eng should not ; must not

JMdict 100319
Reading マストアイテム
Source Language eng must item Translation eng must-have ; essential item

JMdict 100319
Reading ならない ; ならぬ
Translation eng cannot help ( doing , etc .) ; irresistibly ; unbearably ; must not do ; bad ; wrong ; not good

JMdict 100319
Reading ちゃいかん
Translation eng must not do

JMdict 100319
Reading べく
Translation eng in order to ; for the purpose of ; must ; should
Crossref 可し ; 可き

JMdict 100319
Reading まじき
Translation eng should not be ; must not be
Crossref まじ

JMdict 100319
Reading すまじき
Translation eng should not be done ; must not be done

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading すべからず
Translation eng must not do ; should not do ; do not do
Crossref 可からず

JMdict 100319
Reading まい
Translation eng probably isn't ( doesn't , won't , etc .) ; don't ( doesn't ) intend to ; intend not to ; must not ; ( when used in an imperative sentence ) don't

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 一定 Simplified 一定
Pinyin yi1 ding4
English surely ; certainly ; necessarily ; fixed ; a certain ( extent etc ) ; given ; particular ; must

CEDict 100318
Traditional 一定要 Simplified 一定要
Pinyin yi1 ding4 yao4
English must

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不可 Simplified 不可
Pinyin bu4 ke3
English cannot ; should not ; must not

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不可或缺 Simplified 不可或缺
Pinyin bu4 ke3 huo4 que1
English necessary ; must have

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不得 Simplified 不得
Pinyin bu4 de2
English must not ; may not ; not be allowed ; cannot

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不得已 Simplified 不得已
Pinyin bu4 de2 yi3
English act against one's will ; have no alternative but to ; have to ; to have no choice ; must

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不能 Simplified 不能
Pinyin bu4 neng2
English cannot ; must not ; should not

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不要 Simplified 不要
Pinyin bu4 yao4
English don't! ; must not

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不許 Simplified 不许
Pinyin bu4 xu3
English not allow ; must not ; can't

CEDict 100318
Traditional 偏要 Simplified 偏要
Pinyin pian1 yao4
English to insist on doing sth ; must do it , despite everything

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bie2
English to leave ; to depart ; to separate ; to distinguish ; to classify ; other ; another ; do not ; must not ; to pin

CEDict 100318
Traditional 務必 Simplified 务必
Pinyin wu4 bi4
English must ; to need to ; to be sure to

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dei3
English to have to ; must ; ought to ; to need to

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bi4
English certainly ; must ; will ; necessarily

CEDict 100318
Traditional 必得 Simplified 必得
Pinyin bi4 dei3
English must ; have to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 必經 Simplified 必经
Pinyin bi4 jing1
English must pass through

CEDict 100318
Traditional 必須 Simplified 必须
Pinyin bi4 xu1
English to have to ; must ; compulsory ; necessarily

CEDict 100318
Traditional 應該 Simplified 应该
Pinyin ying1 gai1
English ought to ; should ; must

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