Unicode 5.2
Character Definition man , male adult , husband ; those
Pinyin FU1 FU2 Jyutping fu1 fu4 On FU FUU Kun OTTO OTOKO SORE Hangul Korean PWU Tang *bio bhio Viet phu
IRG South Korea 0-5C7D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition check ; examine
Pinyin JIAN3 Jyutping gim2 On KEN Kun SHIRABERU Hangul Korean KEM Tang gyɛ̌m Viet ghém
Simplified U+68C0 Variant U+691C
IRG Japan 0-5C7D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition brindled ox ; brindled in color
Pinyin LUO4 Jyutping lok3
Traditional U+7296
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5C7D

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