Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stupid ; slow
Pinyin LAN2 LIN2 Jyutping lam1 On RAN Kun KAMABISUSHII MUSABORU Korean LAM Viet lăm
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5F78

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition perch ; roost ; stay
Pinyin QI1 XI1 Jyutping cai1 On SEI Kun SUMU Hangul Korean SE Tang *sei
Simplified U+6816
IRG South Korea 0-5F78

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to roast ; to burn
Pinyin FAN2 FEN2 Jyutping faan4 On HAN Kun YAKU Hangul Korean PEN
IRG Japan 0-5F78

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