Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rest , put stop to , end , cease
Pinyin XI1 Jyutping sik1 On SOKU Kun IKI YASUMU YAMERU Hangul Korean SIK Tang *siək Viet tức
IRG South Korea 0-6353

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stable , firm , solid , steady
Pinyin WEN3 Jyutping wan2 On ON Kun ODAYAKA Hangul Korean ON Tang quə̌n Viet ủn
Simplified U+7A33
IRG Japan 0-6353

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wen xiang , Henan province
Pinyin WEN2 Jyutping man4
Traditional U+95BF
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-6353

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