Unicode 5.2
Character Definition two pieces of jade joined together
Pinyin JUE2 On KAKU KOKU Hangul Korean KAK KOK
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-6765

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition difficult , hard ; distressing
Pinyin JIAN1 Jyutping gaan1 On KAN KEN Kun NAYAMU KATAI Hangul Korean KAN Tang *gɛn Viet gian
Simplified U+8270
IRG Japan 0-6765

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sharp , keen , acute , pointed
Pinyin RUI4 DUI4 YUE4 Jyutping jeoi6 On EI TAI Kun SURUDOI HAYAI Hangul Korean YEY THAY
Simplified U+9510 Variant U+92ED
IRG South Korea 0-6765

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