Unicode 5.2
Character Definition much more , still more ; the gums
Pinyin SHEN3 Jyutping can2 On SHIN Kun IWANYA HAGU HAGI Hangul Korean SIN Viet thẩn
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-6F72

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition silk braided cord
Pinyin TING1 TING2 Jyutping ting1 ting4 Hangul Korean CENG
IRG South Korea 0-6F72

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition door ; gate
Pinyin TA4 Jyutping taat3 On TATSU Kun TSUIJI YAKUSHO Hangul Korean TAL Tang tɑt
Simplified U+95FC
IRG Japan 0-6F72

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