Unicode 5.2
Character Definition discard , reject , lose
Pinyin DIU1 Jyutping diu1 diu6 On CHUU CHU Kun SARU NAGEUTSU Hangul Korean CWU
Simplified U+4E22
KangXi 0078.060 KangXi position 0078.060

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition discard , reject , lose
Pinyin diū Jyutping diu1 diu6 On CHUU CHU Kun SARU NAGEUTSU Hangul : 1N Korean CWU
Simplified U+4E22
KangXi 0078.060 KangXi position 0078.060

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a city in the ancient state of Song , in what is now Shandong ; pleased
Pinyin BING3 Jyutping bing2 On HEI HYOU Korean PYENG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of a city in the ancient state of Song , in what is now Shandong ; pleased
Pinyin bǐng Jyutping bing2 On HEI HYOU Korean PYENG

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