Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vomit ; cry of an infant
Pinyin WA1 WA5 Jyutping waa1 On AI E WA Kun YOKOSHIMA HAKU MUSEBU Hangul Korean WA Viet
KangXi 0189.050 KangXi position 0189.050

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vomit ; cry of an infant
Pinyin wa Jyutping waa1 On AI E WA Kun YOKOSHIMA HAKU MUSEBU Hangul : 1N Korean WA Viet
KangXi 0189.050 KangXi position 0189.050

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition upper-story door or window
Pinyin TA4 Jyutping taap3
Traditional U+95D2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition upper-story door or window
Pinyin Jyutping taap3
Traditional U+95D2

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