Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trunk of tree or of human body
Pinyin GAN4 HAN2 Jyutping gon3 On KAN Kun MIKI WAZA Hangul Korean KAN Tang gɑ̀n
Simplified U+5E72
KangXi 0341.090 KangXi position 0341.090

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition trunk of tree or of human body
Pinyin gàn Jyutping gon3 On KAN Kun MIKI WAZA Hangul : 0E Korean KAN Tang gɑ̀n
Simplified U+5E72
KangXi 0341.090 KangXi position 0341.090

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On HU BU

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping fu2 On FU BU

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