Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the middle part of a bow ; the handle of a bow , try to dig and get something with a knife
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to chew ; to masticate , to dwell on , Chinese medicine term
Pinyin FU3 TIAO4 Jyutping fu2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the lapel or collor of a garment or robe , ( Cant ., same as ) drawers , trousers or pants
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 gu1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition anger ; passion ; rage , to wait , to cheat ; to swindle
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to set in order the old , raw , coarse , waste silk or cotton
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 fu3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the left over of drawing silk ( from cocoons ), silk , to arrange raw , coarse , old , waste cotton or silk
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fully laden of a boat , name of a ship
Pinyin BO2 FU4 Jyutping fu3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition molecular formula ( C18H12 ), to brush
Pinyin FU3 GU3 Jyutping waat1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of insect ; golden beetle
Pinyin FU3 PI4 Jyutping fu2 fu6 gu2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the face , the cheeks ; the jaw
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 fu6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fine hair ; beautiful hair , short hair , a coiffure with a topknot
Pinyin FU3 POU2 Jyutping fu1 paau4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Korean place name Pholha
Pinyin FU3 Hangul Korean PHOL

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FU3 On FU Kun TASUKE Hangul Korean PO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition make effort , endeavor ; to lower the head
Pinyin FU3 MIAN3 Jyutping fu2 min5 On BEN MEN FU Kun FUSERU Hangul Korean MYEN Tang *biǒ biǒ myɛ̌n

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bow down , face down , look down
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On FU Kun FUSERU Hangul Korean PWU Tang *biǒ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition assist ; supplement ; assistant
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3 On FUKU Kun SOU SOE Hangul Korean PWU POK Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unclear ; an expletive
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping m4
Traditional U+5638

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition instruct , order
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3 fu6 On HO BU Kun IITSUKERU Hangul Korean PWU Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unclear ; an expletive ; not
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 m4 mou1 mou5 On BU Kun SAZO Hangul Korean MWU
Simplified U+5452

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abundant , ample ; rich , wealthy
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3 On FU FUU Kun TOMU TOMI Hangul Korean PWU Tang *biòu Viet phú
Variant U+51A8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition armory , treasury , storehouse
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3
Traditional U+5EAB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition prefecture ; prefect ; government
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On FU Kun YAKUSHO MIYAKO Hangul Korean PWU Tang *biǒ Viet phủ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition middle
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On HU Kun YUZUKA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to bale out water
Pinyin HU4 Jyutping fu3 On KO GO KU Kun KUMU AKAKUMI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slap ; pat ; tap ; handle of a vessel
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On FU Kun UTSU NADERU Hangul Korean PWU
Variant U+64AB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition press down heavily with hands

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pat , console , comfort ; pacify
Pinyin FU3 HU1 Jyutping fu2 On BU FU Kun NADERU Hangul Korean MWU Tang *piǒ Viet vỗ
Simplified U+629A Variant U+62CA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition axe , hatchet ; chop , hew
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On FU Kun ONO Hangul Korean PWU Tang biǒ Viet búa

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FU3

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On HU BU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FU3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition begin ; man , father ; great ; a distance of ten li
Pinyin FU3 PU4 PU3 Jyutping fu2 pou2 pou3 On HO FU Kun HAJIME SUKE Hangul Korean PO Tang biǒ Viet phủ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a basket , square outside and round inside , used to hold boiled grain in State worship
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On FU HU Hangul Korean PO

Unicode 5.2
Character 秿
Pinyin FU3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an ancient vessel used for holding boiled grain
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On HU Hangul Korean PO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trousers ; breeches leggings ; drawers
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KU KO Kun ZUBON
Simplified U+7ED4 Variant U+8932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dried meat ; preserved fruits
Pinyin FU3 PU2 Jyutping fu2 pou2 On HO FU Kun HOJISHI Hangul Korean PHO Tang biǒ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rot , decay , spoil ; rotten
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 fu6 On FU Kun KUSARU Hangul Korean PWU Tang *bhiǒ Viet hủ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bowels , entrails , internal organs
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On FU Kun HARAWATA Hangul Korean PWU Viet phủ

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FU3

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On HU HO BU Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pants ; trousers ; panties
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KO Kun HAKAMA Hangul Korean KO Tang Viet khố
Variant U+8932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition complex ; double
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trousers , pants
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KO Kun ZUBON Viet khố
Simplified U+88E4 Variant U+7DAF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tax ; give ; endow ; army ; diffuse
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3 On FU Kun MITSUGI Hangul Korean PWU Tang *biò biò Viet phú
Simplified U+8D4B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tax ; give ; endow ; army ; diffuse
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3
Traditional U+8CE6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cheek bone ; protective ; assist
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu6 On FU BU HO Kun TASUKERU TASUKE SUKE Hangul Korean PO Tang *bhiǒ
Simplified U+8F85

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cheek bone ; protective ; assist
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu6
Traditional U+8F14

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cauldron , pot , kettle
Pinyin FU3 Jyutping fu2 On FU Kun KAMA Hangul Korean PWU Tang bhiǒ
Variant U+91E1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cauldron , pot , kettle
Pinyin FU3 On FU Kun KAMA
Variant U+91DC

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