Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sacrifice
Pinyin TIAO4 TIAO3 Jyutping tiu3 On CHOU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition look at , gaze at , scan , survey
Pinyin TIAO4 Jyutping tiu3 On CHOU Kun NAGAMERU NAGAME Hangul Korean CO Tang tèu

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TIAO4 TIAO3 Jyutping tiu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sell grains
Pinyin TIAO4 Jyutping tiu3
Traditional U+7CF6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sell grains
Pinyin TIAO4 Jyutping tiu3 On CHOU Kun URIYONE SERI Hangul Korean CO
Simplified U+7C9C

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TIAO4 Hangul Korean CO Viet thêu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to offer flesh in sacrifice
Pinyin TIAO4 TIAO3 Jyutping tiu3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mission
Pinyin TIAO4 Jyutping tiu3 tiu6 On CHOU Kun MIRU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jump , leap , vault , bounce ; dance
Pinyin TIAO4 TIAO2 TAO2 DIAO4 Jyutping tiu3 On CHOU TOU Kun HANERU TOBU ODORU Hangul Korean CO TO Tang dheu Viet khêu

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
English scorch ; western moon before sunrise

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
English gaze afar

CEDict 100318
Traditional 眺望 Simplified 眺望
Pinyin tiao4 wang4
English to scan from afar

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
English to sell grain

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
English sell ( grain from granary )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
English have an audience

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
English jump ; hop ; skip (a grade ) ; to leap ; to bounce ; to beat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳井 Simplified 跳井
Pinyin tiao4 jing3
English to jump into a well ( to drown oneself , esp . of ladies in fiction )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳傘 Simplified 跳伞
Pinyin tiao4 san3
English to parachute ; to bail out ; parachute jumping

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳價 Simplified 跳价
Pinyin tiao4 jia4
English price jump

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳出 Simplified 跳出
Pinyin tiao4 chu1
English to jump out ; fig . to appear suddenly

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳出火坑 Simplified 跳出火坑
Pinyin tiao4 chu1 huo3 keng1
English lit . to jump out of a fire pit ( idiom ); to escape from a living hell ; to free oneself from a life of torture

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳動 Simplified 跳动
Pinyin tiao4 dong4
English to beat ; to pulse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳彈 Simplified 跳弹
Pinyin tiao4 dan4
English ricochet

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳房子 Simplified 跳房子
Pinyin tiao4 fang2 zi5
English hopscotch ; to play hopscotch

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳板 Simplified 跳板
Pinyin tiao4 ban3
English springboard ; jumping-off point ; gangplank

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳槽 Simplified 跳槽
Pinyin tiao4 cao2
English to change jobs ; job-hopping

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳樓 Simplified 跳楼
Pinyin tiao4 lou2
English to jump from a building ( to kill oneself ) ; fig . to sell at a large discount ( in advertising )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳水 Simplified 跳水
Pinyin tiao4 shui3
English to dive ; diving ( sport , a Chinese specialty )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳票 Simplified 跳票
Pinyin tiao4 piao4
English bounced ( bank ) check

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳級 Simplified 跳级
Pinyin tiao4 ji2
English to jump a year ( at college )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳級生 Simplified 跳级生
Pinyin tiao4 ji2 sheng1
English student who jumps a year

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳腳 Simplified 跳脚
Pinyin tiao4 jiao3
English to stamp one's feet in anger ; tantrum of temper or anxiety ; a stomping fit

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳臺 Simplified 跳台
Pinyin tiao4 tai2
English diving platform ; diving tower ; landing platform

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳臺滑雪 Simplified 跳台滑雪
Pinyin tiao4 tai2 hua2 xue3
English ski jumping

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳舞 Simplified 跳舞
Pinyin tiao4 wu3
English to dance

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳蚤 Simplified 跳蚤
Pinyin tiao4 zao5
English flea

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳蚤市場 Simplified 跳蚤市场
Pinyin tiao4 zao3 shi4 chang3
English flea market

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳躍 Simplified 跳跃
Pinyin tiao4 yue4
English to jump ; to leap ; to bound ; to skip

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳進 Simplified 跳进
Pinyin tiao4 jin4
English plunge ; jump into

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳遠 Simplified 跳远
Pinyin tiao4 yuan3
English long jump ( athletics )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳閘 Simplified 跳闸
Pinyin tiao4 zha2
English ( of a circuit breaker or switch ) to trip

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳集體舞 Simplified 跳集体舞
Pinyin tiao4 ji2 ti3 wu3
English communal dancing

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳頻 Simplified 跳频
Pinyin tiao4 pin2
English frequency-hopping spread spectrum

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳馬 Simplified 跳马
Pinyin tiao4 ma3
English vaulting horse ( gymnastics )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跳高 Simplified 跳高
Pinyin tiao4 gao1
English high jump ( athletics )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
Deutsch Brandfleck , abflämmen ( Gras ) (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
Deutsch überblicken , überschauen (u.E.) (V)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 眺望 Simplified 眺望
Pinyin tiao4 wang4
Deutsch Aussehen (u.E.) (S) ; Aussicht (u.E.) (S) ; überblicken (u.E.) (V)

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