JMdict 100319
Word 下種女
Reading げすおんな
Translation eng woman of low rank ; term of degradation for a woman

JMdict 100319
Word 期間
Reading きかん
Translation eng period ; term ; interval Translation ger Termin ; Frist ; Zeitdauer Translation fre délai ; terme Translation rus срок

JMdict 100319
Word 期限
Reading きげん
Translation eng term ; period ; time frame ; time limit ; deadline ; cutoff ( date ) Translation ger Termin ; Frist ; Zeitpunkt Translation fre échéance ; terme
Crossref 期限切れ

JMdict 100319
Word 勤務年限
Reading きんむねんげん
Translation eng term of service Translation ger Dienstzeit

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 件名
Reading けんめい
Translation eng term ; subject ; title Translation ger Schlagwort

JMdict 100319
Word 言葉 ; ;
Reading ことば ; けとば
Translation eng language ; dialect ; word ; words ; phrase ; term ; expression ; remark ; speech ; ( manner of ) speaking Translation ger Sprache ; Muttersprache ; Wort ; Dialekt ; Mundart ; Ausdruck ; Sprechweise ; Diktion ; Wortlaut ; Wortwahl Translation fre langage ; mot (s) ; parole Translation rus слово ; язык

JMdict 100319
Word 御上 ; お上
Reading おかみ
Translation eng Emperor ; authorities ; government ; term used to refer to a woman running a restaurant , inn , etc . ; landlady ; your wife ; his wife ; madam Translation ger Obrigkeit ; Regierung ; Behörde ; Kaiser

JMdict 100319
Reading こう
Translation eng clause ; paragraph ; item ; term ; nape ( of the neck ) Translation ger Punkt ; Artikel ; Abschnitt ; Paragraph
Crossref 項・うなじ

JMdict 100319
Word 項書換え
Reading こうかきかえ
Translation eng term rewriting

JMdict 100319
Word 条件
Reading じょうけん
Translation eng condition ; conditions ; term ; terms ; requirement ; requirements Translation ger Bedingung ; Voraussetzung ; Vorbehalt ; Bestimmung ; Klausel Translation fre conditions ; termes ( contrat ) Translation rus условия

JMdict 100319
Word 仁兄
Reading じんけい
Translation eng term of address for a friend

JMdict 100319
Word 任期
Reading にんき
Translation eng term of office Translation ger Amtszeit ; Amtsdauer Translation fre durée d'une fonction ; mandat

JMdict 100319
Word 年期 ; 年季
Reading ねんき
Translation eng term of service ; apprenticeship Translation ger Jahr ; Jahre ; Lehrzeit ; Lehrjahre

JMdict 100319
Word 年限
Reading ねんげん
Translation eng length of time ; term Translation ger Frist ; Termin

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 夫子
Reading ふうし
Translation eng term of address for a teacher ; Confucius Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; "Meister!" ; "Lehrer!" ; Ehrentitel für einen weisen Mann od . Lehrer

JMdict 100319
Word 用語
Reading ようご
Translation eng term ; terminology Translation ger Fachausdruck ; Fachwort ; Terminus technicus ; Terminologie ; Wortschatz ; Sprache ; Vokabular Translation fre terme ; terminologie

JMdict 100319
Word 控訴期間
Reading こうそきかん
Translation eng term in which an appeal may be filed Translation ger Berufungsfrist

JMdict 100319
Word 拝具
Reading はいぐ
Translation eng term used in closing a formal letter Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Mit freundlichen Grüßen ; Hochachtungsvoll

JMdict 100319
Word 名辞
Reading めいじ
Translation eng term ; name Translation ger {Philos .} Terminus ; Begriff

JMdict 100319
Word 定期保険
Reading ていきほけん
Translation eng term insurance Translation ger Risikolebensversicherung

JMdict 100319
Word 定期預金
Reading ていきよきん
Translation eng term deposit ; ( fixed ) time deposit Translation ger Festgeld ; feste Spareinlage ; Depositum

JMdict 100319
Word 保証期間
Reading ほしょうきかん
Translation eng term of guarantee ; warranty period Translation ger Garantiezeit

JMdict 100319
Word 名辞論理学
Reading めいじろんりがく
Translation eng term logic
Crossref 伝統的論理学

JMdict 100319
Reading タームローン
Translation eng term loan

CEDict 100318
Traditional 任期 Simplified 任期
Pinyin ren4 qi1
English term of office

CEDict 100318
Traditional 伯父 Simplified 伯父
Pinyin bo2 fu4
English father's elder brother ; term of respect for older man

CEDict 100318
Traditional 兄長 Simplified 兄长
Pinyin xiong1 zhang3
English elder brother ; term of respect for a man of about the same age

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qing1
English high ranking official ( old ) ; term of endearment between spouses ( old ) ; ( from the Tang Dynasty onwards ) term used by the emperor for his subjects ( old ) ; honorific ( old )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大爺 Simplified 大爷
Pinyin da4 ye5
English ( informal ) father's older brother ; uncle ; term of respect for older man

CEDict 100318
Traditional 學期 Simplified 学期
Pinyin xue2 qi1
English term ; semester

CEDict 100318
Traditional 師母 Simplified 師母
Pinyin shi1 mu3
English term of respect for your teacher's wife

CEDict 100318
Traditional 徽號 Simplified 徽号
Pinyin hui1 hao4
English title of honor ; term of respect

CEDict 100318
Traditional 愛稱 Simplified 爱称
Pinyin ai4 cheng1
English term of endearment ; pet name ; diminutive

CEDict 100318
Traditional 昵稱 Simplified 昵称
Pinyin ni4 cheng1
English nickname ; diminutive ; term of endearment

CEDict 100318
Traditional 暱稱 Simplified 暱称
Pinyin ni4 cheng1
English a version of 昵称 | 昵稱 , nickname ; diminutive ; term of endearment

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qi1 Taiwan qi2
English a period of time ; phase ; stage ; ( used for issue of a periodical , courses of study ) ; time ; term ; period ; to hope

CEDict 100318
Traditional 條件 Simplified 条件
Pinyin tiao2 jian4
English condition ; circumstances ; term ; factor ; requirement ; prerequisite ; qualification

CEDict 100318
Traditional 洋鬼 Simplified 洋鬼
Pinyin yang2 gui3
English foreign devil ; term of abuse for Westerners

CEDict 100318
Traditional 洋鬼子 Simplified 洋鬼子
Pinyin yang2 gui3 zi5
English foreign devil ; term of abuse for Westerners

CEDict 100318
Traditional 用語 Simplified 用语
Pinyin yong4 yu3
English choice of words ; wording ; phraseology ; term

CEDict 100318
Traditional 稱號 Simplified 称号
Pinyin cheng1 hao4
English name ; term of address ; title

CEDict 100318
Traditional 總統任期 Simplified 总统任期
Pinyin zong3 tong3 ren4 qi1
English presidency ; term of office

Records 1 - 50 of 148 retrieved in 732 ms