JMdict 100319
Word 夫婦
Reading ふうふ ; めおと ; みょうと
Translation eng married couple ; spouses ; husband and wife ; couple ; pair Translation ger Mann und Frau ; Ehepaar ; Eheleute ; verheiratetes Paar Translation fre époux ; couple ; couple marié ; homme et femme Translation rus супруги ; муж и жена

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu1 Reading On フ ; ヨウ ; ウ ; ユウ Reading Kun むさぼ .る ; せ ; せうと ; なせ ; みょうと
Meaning ovetous ; lustful ; show an expression of deep resentment ; term of endearment for boys ; married couple ; spouses

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fu1 Reading On フ ; ヨウ ; ウ ; ユウ Reading Kun むさぼ .る ; せ ; せうと ; なせ ; みょうと
Meaning ovetous ; lustful ; show an expression of deep resentment ; term of endearment for boys ; married couple ; spouses

JMdict 200217
Word 伉儷
Reading こうれい
Translation eng married couple ; spouses ; husband and wife Translation rus ( кн .) супруги , муж и жена

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