Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to bestow ; to grant , to act ; to do , quiet ; still , peace ; tranquility
Pinyin KU4 ZHUO2 Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the lapel or collor of a garment or robe , ( Cant ., same as ) drawers , trousers or pants
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 gu1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to inform quickly ; an urgent communication
Pinyin KU4 On KOKU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition emperor
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping guk1
Traditional U+56B3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mythical emperor ; to inform quickly ; an urgent communication
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping guk1 On KOKU Kun TSUGERU Hangul Korean KO
Simplified U+55BE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition armory , treasury , storehouse
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3
Traditional U+5EAB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition armory , treasury , storehouse
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KO KU Kun KURA Hangul Korean KO Viet kho
Simplified U+5E93

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to roast , suffocate
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping guk6 On KOKU KOU Kun KAWAKASU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KU4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition toil , slave away ; busy
Pinyin KU4 KU1 WU4 Jyutping ngat6 On KOTSU KUCHI KATSU KACHI Kun ISHI Hangul Korean KOL

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KU4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trousers ; breeches leggings ; drawers
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KU KO Kun ZUBON
Simplified U+7ED4 Variant U+8932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trousers
Pinyin KU4
Traditional U+7D5D Variant U+8932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pants ; trousers ; panties
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KO Kun HAKAMA Hangul Korean KO Tang Viet khố
Variant U+8932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trousers , pants
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3
Traditional U+8932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trousers , pants
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KO Kun ZUBON Viet khố
Simplified U+88E4 Variant U+7DAF

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KU4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strong , stimulating ; very
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping huk6 On KOKU KAKU Kun KIBISHII HANAHADASHI MUGOI Hangul Korean HOK Viet khốc

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ku4
English one of the five legendary emperors , also called 高辛氏

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ku4
English warehouse ; storehouse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫侖 Simplified 库仑
Pinyin Ku4 lun2
English Charles-Augustin de Coulomb ( 1736-1806 ), French physicist ; Coulomb ( unit of charge )

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫侖計 Simplified 库仑计
Pinyin Ku4 lun2 ji4
English voltameter

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫倫 Simplified 库伦
Pinyin Ku4 lun2
English Kulun , the former name for modern Ulan Bator , capital of Mongolia ( Mongolian : temple )

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫倫鎮 Simplified 库伦镇
Pinyin Ku4 lun2 zhen4
English Hure town in Tongliao 通遼 | 通辽 [ Tong1 liao2 ], Inner Mongolia

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫克 Simplified 库克
Pinyin Ku4 ke4
English Cook ( name ) ; Captain James Cook ( 1728-1779 ), British navigator and explorer

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫克山 Simplified 库克山
Pinyin Ku4 ke4 shan1
English Mt Cook on New Zealand South Island , national park and highest peak

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫克群島 Simplified 库克群岛
Pinyin Ku4 ke4 qun2 dao3
English Cook Islands

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫姆 Simplified 库姆
Pinyin Ku4 mu3
English Qom ( holy city in Iran )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫姆塔格沙漠 Simplified 库姆塔格沙漠
Pinyin ku4 mu3 ta3 ge2 sha1 mo4
English Kumutage Desert

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫存 Simplified 库存
Pinyin ku4 cun2
English property or cash held in reserve ; stock

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫存現金 Simplified 库存现金
Pinyin ku4 cun2 xian4 jin1
English cash in hand ; ( accountancy )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫工黨 Simplified 库工党
Pinyin ku4 gong1 dang3
English abbr . for Kurdish Worker's Party

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫布裡克 Simplified 库布里克
Pinyin Ku4 bu4 li3 ke4
English Kubrick

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫房 Simplified 库房
Pinyin ku4 fang2
English a place for storage ; storeroom ; warehouse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫模塊 Simplified 库模块
Pinyin ku4 mo2 kuai4
English library module

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫爾 Simplified 库尔
Pinyin ku4 er3
English Chur ( city in Switzerland )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫爾德 Simplified 库尔德
Pinyin Ku4 er3 de2
English Kurd ; Kurdish

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫爾德人 Simplified 库尔德人
Pinyin Ku4 er3 de2 ren2
English Kurdish person or people

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫爾德斯坦 Simplified 库尔德斯坦
Pinyin Ku4 er3 de2 si1 tan3
English Kurdistan

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫爾斯克 Simplified 库尔斯克
Pinyin Ku4 er3 si1 ke4
English Kursk ( city )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庫珀帶 Simplified 库珀带
Pinyin ku4 po4 dai4
English the Kuiper belt ( in the outer reaches of the Solar system )

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 352 ms