Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of laughter
Pinyin HA1 HA3 HA4 Jyutping haa1 On GOU SOU Kun NOMU SUSURU KUU Hangul Korean HAP Viet hóp
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0408.120
IRG Dae Jaweon 0408.120

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stupid , ignorant , dull
Pinyin MENG3 MENG2 Jyutping mung2 mung4 mung5
KangXi 0408.120 KangXi position 0408.120

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sound of laughter
Pinyin Jyutping haa1 On GOU SOU Kun NOMU SUSURU KUU Hangul : 0N Korean HAP Viet hóp
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0408.120
IRG Dae Jaweon 0408.120

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stupid , ignorant , dull
Pinyin měng Jyutping mung2 mung4 mung5
KangXi 0408.120 KangXi position 0408.120

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