JMdict 100319
Word 愚民
Reading ぐみん
Translation eng ignorant people Translation ger ungebildete Massen ; unwissendes Volk ; gemeines Volk ; Plebs ; Pöbel ; Volksmenge

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 迂愚
Reading うぐ
Translation eng stupid ; ignorant Translation ger Weltfremdheit ; Ignoranz ; Dummheit

JMdict 100319
Word 世間知らず
Reading せけんしらず
Translation eng ignorant of the ways of the world Translation ger weltfremde Person ; Weltfremdheit

JMdict 100319
Word 無知文盲
Reading むちもんもう
Translation eng ignorant and illiterate

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tong2
English ignorant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin kong1
English ignorant ; blank-minded

CEDict 100318
Traditional 倥侗 Simplified 倥侗
Pinyin kong1 tong2
English ignorant ; unenlightened

CEDict 100318
Traditional 匹夫 Simplified 匹夫
Pinyin pi3 fu1
English ordinary man ; ignorant person ; coarse fellow

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大愚 Simplified 大愚
Pinyin da4 yu2
English idiot ; ignorant fool

CEDict 100318
Traditional 孤陋 Simplified 孤陋
Pinyin gu1 lou4
English ignorant ; ill-informed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 愚懦 Simplified 愚懦
Pinyin yu2 nuo4
English ignorant and weak

CEDict 100318
Traditional 愚昧 Simplified 愚昧
Pinyin yu2 mei4
English ignorant ; uneducated

CEDict 100318
Traditional 愚矇 Simplified 愚蒙
Pinyin yu2 meng2
English ignorant ; block-head

CEDict 100318
Traditional 愚陋 Simplified 愚陋
Pinyin yu2 lou4
English ignorant and backward

CEDict 100318
Traditional 愚頑 Simplified 愚顽
Pinyin yu2 wan2
English ignorant and stubborn

CEDict 100318
Traditional 疑冰 Simplified 疑冰
Pinyin yi2 bing1
English ignorant ; doubt stemming from ignorance ; (a summer insect has no word for ice , Zhuangzi 莊子 | 庄子 )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 童蒙 Simplified 童蒙
Pinyin tong2 meng2
English young and ignorant ; ignorant and uneducated

CEDict 100318
Traditional 茫然 Simplified 茫然
Pinyin mang2 ran2
English ignorant ; to have no knowledge of sth

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin meng2
English to cover ; ignorant ; to suffer ( misfortune ) ; to receive (a favor ) ; to cheat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 蒙昧 Simplified 蒙昧
Pinyin meng2 mei4
English uncultured ; uncivilized ; God-forsaken ; ignorant ; illiterate

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chi1
English surname Chi ; ignorant ; worm

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nai4
English ignorant ; sun hat

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin an4
Variant | [ an4 ]
English to close (a door ) ; to eclipse ; muddled ; stupid ; ignorant

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mang2 Reading On モウ Reading Kun めくら Reading Korean maeng Reading Korean
Meaning blind ; blind man ; ignoramus Meaning fr aveugle ; ignorant Meaning es ciego ; analfabeto ; irresponsable Meaning pt cortina ; homem cego ; ignorante

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tao2 Reading On トウ Nanori Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning stump ; foolish ; ignorant

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On トウ ; ツ ; ズ Reading Kun おろ .か ; いた .む ; かたち ; なおい ; まこと ; つつし .む Reading Korean dong
Meaning big ; ignorant ; rude ; rustic

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tun2 Reading On トン ; シュン Reading Kun うれ . える
Meaning anguish ; grieve ; ignorant ; foolish

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zong3 Reading On ソウ Reading Korean chong
Meaning ignorant and foolish ; run around aimlessly ; unable to fulfill one's will

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ai4 Reading On ガイ ; ギ ; ギョク ; ゴキ Reading Kun おろ .か ; おそ . れる ; はか .る
Meaning ignorant of ; misgivings ; interrupt ; stop

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nai4 Reading On ダイ ; ナイ Reading Kun ひがさ
Meaning stupid ; dull ; ignorant ; doltish

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin meng2
Meaning stupid ; ignorant ; dull

JMdict 200217
Word 暗い ; 昏い ; 冥い ; 闇い
Reading くらい
Translation dut donker ; duister ; somber ; ( van licht ) zwak ; ( van licht ) flauw ; gedimd ; onwetend over ; geen kennis bezittend over ; niet bekend met ; zwaarmoedig ; droefgeestig ; somber Translation hun sötét ; borús ; bús ; komor ; nyomasztó Translation slv temen ; potrt Translation spa sombrío ; oscuro ; falto de luz ; oscuro ; tenebroso ; gris ; deprimido ; desalentado ; pesaroso ; amargo ( como una pasado oscuro ) ; no claro ; no familiar ; desconocido ; sombrío ; oscuro ; falto de sol ; oscuro ; obscuro ; tenebroso ; deprimido ; desalentado ; pena ; amargo ( como un pasado negro ) ; no claro ; desconocido Translation swe mörk ; dunkel
Translation eng dark ; gloomy ; murky ; depressed ; dispirited ; down in the dumps ; dark ( mood ) ; dark ( in colour ) ; dull ; ill-boding ; dark (e.g. past ) ; suspicious ; unlikely ( to succeed ) ; hopeless ; unpromising ; unfamiliar ( with ) ; ignorant ( of ) Translation ger dunkel ; düster ; lichtlos ; trübe ; dämmerig ; stockfinster ; schwach ; matt ; dunkel ; verdächtig ; zweifelhaft ; zweideutig ; trist ; düster ; trostlos ; unwissend ; einer Sache unkundig ; unbewandert ; ohne Erfahrung Translation fre sombre ; ténébreux ; morose ; maussade ; sombre ( couleur ) ; terne ; mat ; déprimé ; découragé ; triste ; amer ( comme dans un passé sombre ) ; obscur ; abscons ; pas clair Translation rus 1) тёмный ; 2) мрачный ; 3) тёмный , нехороший ; 4) (に) несведущий чём-л .); неосведомлённый чём-л .) ; ( ср .) くらく【暗く】

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 迂愚
Reading うぐ
Translation hun ostoba
Translation eng stupid ; ignorant Translation ger Weltfremdheit ; Ignoranz ; Dummheit ; weltfremd ; ignorant ; dumm Translation rus глупый , тупой ; : {~な} глупый , тупой

JMdict 200217
Word 無知文盲
Reading むちもんもう
Translation spa analfabeto ; iletrado
Translation eng ignorant and illiterate

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