Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) deep , profound , far , very ; extremely
Jyutping sam1
KangXi 0641.270

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition help , assist ; defend ; shoe upper
Pinyin BANG1 Jyutping bong1 On HOU Kun TASUKERU Hangul Korean PANG
Variant U+5E6B
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0641.270
IRG Dae Jaweon 0641.270

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) deep , profound , far , very ; extremely
Jyutping sam1
KangXi 0641.270

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition help , assist ; defend ; shoe upper
Pinyin bāng Jyutping bong1 On HOU Kun TASUKERU Hangul : 0N Korean PANG
Variant U+5E6B
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0641.270
IRG Dae Jaweon 0641.270

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