Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to occupy , take possession of ; a base
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi3 On KYO KO KEKI Kun YORU AKASHI HIKU Hangul Korean KE Tang *giù Viet cớ
Simplified U+636E Variant U+62E0
Grammata Serica Recensa, 1957 0803f

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to occupy , take possession of ; a base
Pinyin Jyutping geoi3 On KYO KO KEKI Kun YORU AKASHI HIKU Hangul : 0E Korean KE Tang *giù Viet cớ
Simplified U+636E Variant U+62E0
Grammata Serica Recensa, 1957 0803f

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