Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thicket , underbrush ; poisonous
Pinyin MANG3 MANG2 Jyutping mong5 On BOU MOU Kun KUSA Hangul Korean MANG Tang *mɑ̌ng
Dae Jaweon, 1988 1495.040
IRG Dae Jaweon 1495.040

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crossbill , species of nightingale
Pinyin HE2 JIE4 Jyutping hot3 On KATSU GACHI FUN KAI KAKU Kun YAMADORI Hangul Korean KAL
Simplified U+9E56
KangXi 1495.040 KangXi position 1495.040

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thicket , underbrush ; poisonous
Pinyin mǎng Jyutping mong5 On BOU MOU Kun KUSA Hangul : 0N Korean MANG Tang *mɑ̌ng
Dae Jaweon, 1988 1495.040
IRG Dae Jaweon 1495.040

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition crossbill , species of nightingale
Pinyin Jyutping hot3 On KATSU GACHI FUN KAI KAKU Kun YAMADORI Hangul :1 Korean KAL
Simplified U+9E56
KangXi 1495.040 KangXi position 1495.040

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