Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a small wooden stand having four legs ; it was used in sacrifice , faggots
Pinyin KUAN3 Jyutping fun2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inferior ; mean , minor
Jyutping fun1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthenware or pottery with big opening , wine utensil ( containers ) with big opening
Pinyin HUAN4 Jyutping fun1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to look , an angry look ; to look at some one angrily , sight blurred ; obscure and dim ; unclear
Pinyin HUAN4 Jyutping fun3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the badger ; a wild boar
Jyutping fun1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a branding-iron , to solder
Pinyin KUAN3 Jyutping fun2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fish , the sound of touching the fish net
Pinyin KUAN3 Jyutping fun2

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition broad , wide ; spacious , vast
Pinyin KUAN1 Jyutping fun1
Traditional U+5BEC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition broad , wide ; spacious , vast
Pinyin KUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KAN Kun HIROI YURUYAKA KUTSUROGU Hangul Korean KWAN Tang kuɑn Viet khoan
Simplified U+5BBD Variant U+5BDB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition happy , pleased , glad , joyous
Pinyin HUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KAN Kun YOROKOBU Hangul Korean HWAN Tang *xuɑn
Variant U+6B61

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tray for carrying sacrificial meat
Pinyin HUN2 KUAN3 Jyutping fun2 On KAN GAN KON GON Kun MANAITA TAKIGI Hangul Korean WAN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition happy , pleased , glad ; joy ; enjoy
Pinyin HUAN1 Jyutping fun1
Traditional U+6B61

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to treat well ; to detain
Pinyin KUAN3 Jyutping fun2 On KAN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition item , article ; clause ; fund
Pinyin KUAN3 XIN1 Jyutping fun2 On KAN Kun MAKOTO SHIRUSU Hangul Korean KWAN Tang kuɑn Viet khoản

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition happy , pleased , glad ; joy ; to enjoy
Pinyin HUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KAN Kun YOROKOBU Hangul Korean HWAN Tang *xuɑn Viet hoan
Simplified U+6B22 Variant U+9A69

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the badger
Pinyin HUAN1 QUAN2 Jyutping fun1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition empty ; vacant
Jyutping fun2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KON KAN Kun KARADA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cheer ; noise , noisy
Pinyin HUAN1 XUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KAN KEN Kun KAMABISUSHI Korean HWAN HWEN Tang xiuæn xuɑn
Variant U+6B61

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition badger
Pinyin HUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KAN KEN GEN Kun MAMIDAMEKI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition happy , pleased , glad ; joy ; to enjoy
Pinyin HUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KAN Kun YOROKOBU Hangul Korean HWAN Tang xuɑn
Variant U+6B61

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hipbone ; hip
Pinyin KUAN1 Jyutping fun1
Traditional U+9AD6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hipbone ; hip
Pinyin KUAN1 Jyutping fun1 On KAN KON Kun KOSHIBONE Hangul Korean KWAN
Simplified U+9ACB

JMdict 100319
Reading ふん
Translation eng minute Translation ger Minute

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading くそ ; ふん
Translation eng bullshit ; shit ; damn ; feces ; excrement ; damn ( adds emphasis and or annoyance to next word , e.g. damn hot , damn kids , etc .) ; damned Translation ger Kacke ; Scheiße ; Kot ; Auswurf ; Schmutz ; Mist ; "Kacke!" ; "Scheiße!" ; "Mist!" ; ( als Ausruf ) ; Affix zur Verstärkung

JMdict 100319
Reading ふん ; ふうん ; ふーん
Translation eng hmm ; well ... ; humph ; huh ; pshaw ; pish ; roughly ; harshly ; violently Translation ger Exkremente ; Kot ; Dreck ; Mist ; Losung ; Fäkalien

JMdict 100319
Reading フン
Translation eng Hun
Crossref フン族

JMdict 100319
Reading ふん
Translation eng proboscis

JMnedict 100319
Reading ふん Romaji Fun

JMnedict 100319
Reading フン Romaji Fung ; Hunn

JMnedict 100319
Reading ふん Romaji Fun

JMnedict 100319
Reading ふん Romaji Fun

JMnedict 100319
Reading ふん Romaji Fun

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bin1 Reading On ヒン ; フン Reading Kun うるわ . しい ; あき . らか Nanori あきら ; あき ; よし Reading Korean bin Reading Korean
Meaning refined ; gentle Meaning es refinado ; suave

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bin1 Reading On ヒン ; フン Reading Kun うるわ . しい ; あき . らか Nanori たけ Reading Korean bin Reading Korean
Meaning beautiful ; harmony of appearance

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen1 ; fen4 Reading On ブン ; フン ; ブ Reading Kun わ. ける ; わ.け ; わ. かれる ; わ. かる ; わ. かつ Nanori いた ; わけ Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning part ; minute of time ; segment ; share ; degree ; one's lot ; duty ; understand ; know ; rate ; 1% ; chances ; shaku/100 Meaning fr portion ; minute ; section ; part ; degré ; son lot dans la vie ; comprendre ; savoir ; devoir ; taux ; 1% ; chances ; bu = 1/100 de shaku = 3.03 mm Meaning es parte ; segmento ; minuto ; dividir ; separar Meaning pt parte ; minuto ; segmento ; grau ; dever ; compreender ; saber ; valor ; 1% ; oportunidades ; shaku/100

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wen3 Reading On フン ; ブン Reading Kun くちわき ; くちさき Reading Korean mun Reading Korean
Meaning proboscis

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pen1 ; pen4 Reading On フン Reading Kun ふ.く Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning erupt ; spout ; emit ; flush out Meaning fr éruption ; jaillir ; émettre ; gicler Meaning es emisión ; erupción ; chorro ; emitir ; hacer erupción ; expeler Meaning pt irromper ; repuxo ; emitir ; excitar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen2 Reading On フン Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning tomb ; mound Meaning fr tombeau ; tumulus Meaning es tumba ; mausoleo ; montículo Meaning pt túmulo ; montículo

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen4 Reading On フン Reading Kun いきどお .る Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning aroused ; resent ; be indignant ; anger Meaning fr excité ; rancune ; indignation ; colère Meaning es resentimiento ; rabia ; cólera ; ira ; encolerizarse ; montar en cólera Meaning pt estimulado ; resentido ; estar indignado ; raiva

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ban4 Reading On フン ; ハン ; ヘン Reading Kun ふん . する ; やつ .す ; よそお .う Reading Korean bun ; ban Reading Korean ;
Meaning impersonate ; dress up ; disguise ; thin shingles

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen2 Reading On フン ; ホン ; ハン Reading Kun た.く ; や.く ; やきがり Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning burn ; kindle ; build a fire ; boil ; cook

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen4 Reading On フン Reading Kun ふる .う Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning stirred up ; be invigorated ; flourish Meaning fr excitation ; stimulation ; tonifié ; épanoui Meaning es agitado ; entusiasmado ; exaltado ; excitado ; mostrar habilidad ; ejercer poder Meaning pt revigorar ; florescer

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen3 Reading On フン Reading Kun デシメートル ; こ ; こな Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning flour ; powder ; dust Meaning fr farine ; poudre ; poussière Meaning es harina ; polvo Meaning pt farinha ; ; poeira

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen4 Reading On フン Reading Kun くそ Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning shit ; feces ; excrement Meaning es heces ; excremento ; mierda

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen1 Reading On フン Reading Kun まぎ . れる ; -まぎ .れ ; まぎ . らす ; まぎ . らわす ; まぎ . らわしい Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning distract ; be mistaken for ; go astray ; divert Meaning fr emmêler ; confusion ; s'égarer ; détourner Meaning es revuelto ; difuminado ; confuso ; ambiguo ; desviar ; confundir ; estar confuso Meaning pt distrair ; ser incorreto para ; desviar-se ; desviar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen1 Reading On フン Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning atmosphere ; fog Meaning fr atmosphère ; ambiance ; brouillard Meaning es niebla ; atmósfera ; sensación Meaning pt atmosfera ; nevoeiro

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wen3 Reading On フン Reading Kun は. ねる ; くびは . ねる Reading Korean mun Reading Korean
Meaning decapitate

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen1 Reading On フン Reading Kun ふ.く Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning give an order ; sprout forth

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