Unicode 5.2
Pinyin WEN2
Four-Corner Code 1614.1

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin mín Hangul :N
Four-Corner Code 1614.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to discuss ; ask for , beg ; demand ; dun ; marry
Pinyin TAO3 Jyutping tou2 On TOU Kun UTSU TAZUNERU Hangul Korean THO Tang tɑ̌u Viet thảo
Simplified U+8BA8

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to discuss ; ask for , beg ; demand ; dun ; marry
Pinyin tǎo Jyutping tou2 On TOU Kun UTSU TAZUNERU Hangul : 0E Korean THO Tang tɑ̌u Viet thảo
Simplified U+8BA8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boast , exaggerate ; great , broad
Pinyin XU1 XU3 Jyutping heoi1 On KU KO Kun ITSUWARU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition boast , exaggerate ; great , broad
Pinyin Jyutping heoi1 On KU KO Kun ITSUWARU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin JIE2 JI4 Jyutping kit3 On KETSU Kun ABAKU Hangul Korean AL
Simplified U+8BA6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin jié Jyutping kit3 On KETSU Kun ABAKU Hangul : 1N Korean AL
Simplified U+8BA6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition deceive , cheat ; arrogant
Pinyin YI2 DAN4 Jyutping ji4 On SHI I TA TAN DAN Hangul Korean I
Simplified U+2B359

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition deceive , cheat ; arrogant
Pinyin Jyutping ji4 On SHI I TA TAN DAN Hangul : 1N Korean I
Simplified U+2B359

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hesitate to say , reluctant to speak
Pinyin REN4 Jyutping jan6 On JIN NIN Kun NAYAMU
Simplified U+8BB1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hesitate to say , reluctant to speak
Pinyin rèn Jyutping jan6 On JIN NIN Kun NAYAMU
Simplified U+8BB1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition teach , instruct ; exegesis
Pinyin XUN4 Jyutping fan3 On KUN KIN Kun OSHIERU OSHIE YOMU Hangul Korean HWUN Tang xiuə̀n Viet huấn
Simplified U+8BAD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition teach , instruct ; exegesis
Pinyin xùn Jyutping fan3 On KUN KIN Kun OSHIERU OSHIE YOMU Hangul : 0E Korean HWUN Tang xiuə̀n Viet huấn
Simplified U+8BAD

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