Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( simple form of U+8208 ) to prosper , to begin , to increase ; to rise ; to raise , flourishing
Pinyin GUA3 XING4 XU3 Jyutping hing2 hing3
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 184.06

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thrive , prosper , flourish
Pinyin XING1 XING4 Jyutping hing1 hing3 On KYOU KOU Kun OKORU OKOSU OKIRU Hangul Korean HUNG Tang *xièng *xiəng Viet hưng
Simplified U+5174

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition continue
Pinyin GENG1 Jyutping gang1 On SHOKU ZOKU KOU KYOU Kun TSUGU TSUGUNAFU Hangul Korean KAYNG
Simplified U+8D53
Song Ben Guang Yun 184.06

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( simple form of U+8208 ) to prosper , to begin , to increase ; to rise ; to raise , flourishing
Pinyin guǎ Jyutping hing2 hing3
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 184.06

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thrive , prosper , flourish
Pinyin xìng Jyutping hing1 hing3 On KYOU KOU Kun OKORU OKOSU OKIRU Hangul : 0E Korean HUNG Tang *xièng *xiəng Viet hưng
Simplified U+5174

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition continue
Pinyin gēng Jyutping gang1 On SHOKU ZOKU KOU KYOU Kun TSUGU TSUGUNAFU Hangul : 1N Korean KAYNG
Simplified U+8D53
Song Ben Guang Yun 184.06

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