Unicode 5.2
Character Definition heading ; earing ; to flower ; to blossom ( of the smartweed group ), Cyperus rotundus , a kind of medicinal herb , a peduncle or footstalk of a flower or fruit ; a stem ; a base , new growing leaves
Pinyin WEI2
IRG South Korea 3-307A

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YA4 Korean A
IRG PRC and Singapore 3-307A

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin DENG4 Jyutping dang3 On TOU Kun KIDA Hangul Korean TUNG
IRG Vietnam 3-307A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sincere , earnest , cordial
Pinyin KEN3 Jyutping han2
Traditional U+61C7
CNS 11643-1992 3-307A IRG Taiwan 3-307A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sincere , earnest , cordial
Pinyin kěn Jyutping han2
Traditional U+61C7
CNS 11643-1992 3-307A

Records 1 - 5 of 5 retrieved in 22 ms