Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thick , lush , dense ; talented
Pinyin MAO4 Jyutping mau6 On MO BOU Kun SHIGERU Hangul Korean MWU Tang *mòu
Morohashi index 30833
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 30833

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thick , lush , dense ; talented
Pinyin mào Jyutping mau6 On MO BOU Kun SHIGERU Hangul : 0E Korean MWU Tang *mòu
Morohashi index 30833
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 30833

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mao4 Reading On Reading Kun しげ .る Nanori うむさ ; き ; し ; つとむ ; む ; もて Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning overgrown ; grow thick ; be luxuriant Meaning fr pousser dru ; s'épaissir ; luxuriant Meaning es frondoso ; exuberante ; tupido ; engordar ; crecer ( plantas ) ; ser lujoso ; hacerse frondoso ; hacerse tupido Meaning pt Coberto de plantas ; cresce forte ; luxuriante

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin mao4 Reading On Reading Kun しげ .る Nanori うむさ ; き ; し ; つとむ ; む ; もて Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning overgrown ; grow thick ; be luxuriant Meaning fr pousser dru ; s'épaissir ; luxuriant Meaning es frondoso ; exuberante ; tupido ; engordar ; crecer ( plantas ) ; ser lujoso ; hacerse frondoso ; hacerse tupido Meaning pt Coberto de plantas ; cresce forte ; luxuriante

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