Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ancient unit of measure (8 feet ); 'fathom'
Pinyin REN4 Jyutping jan6 On JIN Kun HAKARU Hangul Korean IN Tang njìn
Variant U+4EED
KPS 10721-2000 34BC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition average ; equivalent ; corresponding , to cover something carefully and tightly without a break ; ( Cant .) blocked
Pinyin MAN2 Jyutping mang4 mun4
Unicode Code Point 34BC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ancient unit of measure (8 feet ); 'fathom'
Pinyin rèn Jyutping jan6 On JIN Kun HAKARU Hangul : 1N Korean IN Tang njìn
Variant U+4EED
KPS 10721-2000 34BC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition average ; equivalent ; corresponding , to cover something carefully and tightly without a break ; ( Cant .) blocked
Pinyin mán Jyutping mang4 mun4
Unicode Code Point 34BC

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