Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mow , cut ; weed out ; scythe
Pinyin SHAN1 WEI3 Jyutping saam1 On SAN SEN Kun KARU Hangul Korean SAM Tang shram Viet sam
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 399H

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition die , dice
Pinyin TOU2 GU3 Jyutping sik1 tau4 On TOU Kun SAI SAIKORO Hangul Korean THWU
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 399H

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mow , cut ; weed out ; scythe
Pinyin shān Jyutping saam1 On SAN SEN Kun KARU Hangul : 0N Korean SAM Tang shram Viet sam
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 399H

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition die , dice
Pinyin tóu Jyutping sik1 tau4 On TOU Kun SAI SAIKORO Hangul : 1N Korean THWU
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 399H

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