Unicode 5.2
Character Definition combine , annex ; also , what's more
Pinyin BING4 BING1 Jyutping bing1 bing3 bing6 On HEI HYOU Kun AWASERU NARABU Korean PYENG
Traditional U+4E26 U+4F75 Variant U+4E26
KPS 10721-2000 40EC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rocky ; plenty of stones and rocks ( same as ) piles of rugged stones ; lumpy and uneven rocks
Pinyin WEI3 Jyutping gwaai1 ngaai5
Unicode Code Point 40EC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition combine , annex ; also , what's more
Pinyin bìng Jyutping bing1 bing3 bing6 On HEI HYOU Kun AWASERU NARABU Hangul :N Korean PYENG
Traditional U+4E26 U+4F75 ; U+4E26 U+4F75 Variant U+4E26
KPS 10721-2000 40EC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rocky ; plenty of stones and rocks ( same as ) piles of rugged stones ; lumpy and uneven rocks
Pinyin wěi Jyutping gwaai1 ngaai5
Unicode Code Point 40EC

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