Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ER3 Hangul Korean I
KPS 10721-2000 4B7E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+99B1 ) to carry (a load ) on the back
Pinyin TUO2 Jyutping to4
Unicode Code Point 4B7E

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin ěr Hangul : 1N Korean I
KPS 10721-2000 4B7E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as U+99B1 ) to carry (a load ) on the back
Pinyin tuó Jyutping to4
Unicode Code Point 4B7E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition grievance , injustice , wrong
Pinyin yuān Jyutping jyun1 On EN Kun KAGAMU NUREGINU Hangul : 0N Korean WEN Tang qiuæn
Variant U+51A4

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