Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wear ; split ; crack
Pinyin PI1 Jyutping pei1 On HI Kun HIRAKU Hangul Korean PHI Tang *pyɛ Viet phơ
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel tired , be exhausted ; weak
Pinyin PI2 Jyutping pei4 On HI Kun TSUKARERU TSUKARE Hangul Korean PHI Tang bhyɛ Viet
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pond ; a pool
Pinyin ZHU1 Jyutping zyu1 On CHO Kun MIZUTAMARI Hangul Korean CE
Traditional U+7026
KPS 10721-2000 537D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition promptly
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping zik1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun TSUKU SUNAWACHI MOSHI Hangul Korean CUK Tang *tziək
Variant U+5373
Unicode Code Point 537D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wear ; split ; crack
Pinyin Jyutping pei1 On HI Kun HIRAKU Hangul : 0N Korean PHI Tang *pyɛ Viet phơ
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition feel tired , be exhausted ; weak
Pinyin Jyutping pei4 On HI Kun TSUKARERU TSUKARE Hangul : 0E Korean PHI Tang bhyɛ Viet
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pond ; a pool
Pinyin zhū Jyutping zyu1 On CHO Kun MIZUTAMARI Hangul : 1N Korean CE
Traditional U+7026
KPS 10721-2000 537D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition promptly
Pinyin Jyutping zik1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun TSUKU SUNAWACHI MOSHI Hangul : 0E Korean CUK Tang *tziək
Variant U+5373
Unicode Code Point 537D

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