Unicode 5.2
Character Definition land , continental ; army ; an accounting form of U+516D ( six ) Value 6
Pinyin LU4 LIU4 Jyutping luk6 On RIKU ROKU Kun OKA Hangul Korean LYUK Tang *liuk Viet lục
Simplified U+9646
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 64134.050 : , liù

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition land , continental ; army ; an accounting form of U+516D ( six ) Value 6
Pinyin Jyutping luk6 On RIKU ROKU Kun OKA Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYUK Tang *liuk Viet lục
Simplified U+9646
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 64134.050 : , liù

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