Unicode 5.2
Character Definition melt , smelt ; shine
Pinyin SHUO4 YUE4 LI4 Jyutping soek3 On SHAKU Kun TOKASU Hangul Korean SAK Tang shiɑk Viet thước
Simplified U+94C4
KPS 10721-2000 81CF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the kneecap
Pinyin BIN4 Jyutping ban3 On HIN BIN Hangul Korean PIN
Simplified U+8191 Variant U+9AD5
Unicode Code Point 81CF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition melt , smelt ; shine
Pinyin shuò Jyutping soek3 On SHAKU Kun TOKASU Hangul : 1N Korean SAK Tang shiɑk Viet thước
Simplified U+94C4
KPS 10721-2000 81CF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the kneecap
Pinyin bìn Jyutping ban3 On HIN BIN Hangul : 1N Korean PIN
Simplified U+8191 Variant U+9AD5
Unicode Code Point 81CF

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