JMdict 100319
Reading アブサン
Translation eng absinthe Translation ger Absinth ; Wermutlikör Source Language fre

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 苦艾酒 Simplified 苦艾酒
Pinyin ku3 ai4 jiu3
Deutsch Absinth ( alkoholisches Getränk aus Wermut , Anis , Fenchel ) (S, Ess )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 苦艾酒 Simplified 苦艾酒
Pinyin ku3 ai4 jiu3
Deutsch Absinth ( alkoholisches Getränk aus Wermut , Anis , Fenchel ) (S, Ess )

JMdict 200217
Reading アブサン
Translation dut absint Translation spa absenta ; ajenjo ( bebida alcohólica )
Translation eng absinthe Translation ger Absinth ; Wermutlikör Translation rus (( фр .) absinthe ) абсент

JMdict 100319
Word 苦艾
Reading にがよもぎ
Translation eng wormwood ( Artemisia absinthium ) ; absinthium ; absinthe wormwood ; absinthe Translation ger {Bot .} Wermut ; ( <wiss . N.: Artemisia absinthium> )

JMdict 100319
Word アブサン油
Reading アブサンゆ
Translation eng absinthe oil ; wormwood oil

CEDict 100318
Traditional 苦艾酒 Simplified 苦艾酒
Pinyin ku3 ai4 jiu3
English absinthe ( distilled anise-based liquor )

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 苦艾酒 Simplified 苦艾酒
Pinyin ku3 ai4 jiu3
English absinthe ( distilled anise-based liquor )

JMdict 200217
Word アブサン油
Reading アブサンゆ
Translation eng absinthe oil ; wormwood oil

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition absinthin , Artemisia capillaris , a kind of medicinal herb
Jyutping zaan1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition absinthin , Artemisia capillaris , a kind of medicinal herb
Pinyin yīn Jyutping zaan1

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