Unicode 5.2
Character Definition person's name
Pinyin JIE4 On KAI Kun SAKAI Hangul Korean KYEY
Variant U+754C
KPS 9566-97 D3BA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of water-beetle cash , then dollars and money generally
Pinyin FU2 Jyutping fu4 On HU BU Hangul Korean PWU Viet phù
Big5 D3BA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition person's name
Pinyin jiè Jyutping gaai3 On KAI Kun SAKAI Hangul : 0N Korean KYEY
Variant U+754C
KPS 9566-97 D3BA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of water-beetle cash , then dollars and money generally
Pinyin Jyutping fu4 On FU BU Hangul : 1N Korean PWU Viet phù
Big5 D3BA

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