Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hairy and poisonous caterpillars
Pinyin CI4 HAO2 Jyutping ci3 hou4
Big5 D3CC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plan , plot ; strategem ; scheme
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gai3 gei3 On KEI KAI Kun HAKARU KAZOERU HAKARIGOTO Hangul Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet kể
Simplified U+8BA1
KPS 9566-97 D3CC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hairy and poisonous caterpillars
Pinyin háo Jyutping ci3 hou4
Big5 D3CC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition plan , plot ; strategem ; scheme
Pinyin Jyutping gai3 gei3 On KEI KAI Kun HAKARU KAZOERU HAKARIGOTO Hangul : 0E Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet kể
Simplified U+8BA1
KPS 9566-97 D3CC

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