Unicode 5.2
Character Definition variant of U+67A1 , a measuring box
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set FCFE IRG Hong Kong SAR FCFE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition forehead ; tablet , plaque ; fixed
Pinyin E2 Jyutping ngaak6 On GAKU GYAKU Kun HITAI TAKA Hangul Korean AYK Tang ngæk Viet ngạch
Simplified U+989D
KPS 9566-97 FCFE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition variant of U+67A1 , a measuring box
Pinyin jié Jyutping git6 Kun MASU
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set FCFE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition forehead ; tablet , plaque ; fixed
Pinyin é Jyutping ngaak6 On GAKU GYAKU Kun HITAI TAKA Hangul : 0E Korean AYK Tang ngæk Viet ngạch
Simplified U+989D
KPS 9566-97 FCFE

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