HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 鼻孔 Simplified 鼻孔
Pinyin bi2 kong3
Deutsch Nasenloch (u.E.) (S)

JMdict 200217
Word 鼻口
Reading びこう
Translation hun orrcimpa
Translation eng nose and mouth ; muzzle (e.g. of a dog ) ; nostril ; nostrils ; naris ; nares Translation ger Nase und Mund ; Nasenloch ; Nüster

JMdict 200217
Word 鼻孔
Reading びこう
Translation dut neusgat ; neusopening ; {veroud . ; vulg .} snotgat Translation swe näsborre
Translation eng nostril ; nostrils ; naris ; nares Translation ger Nasenloch ; Naris Translation fre narine Translation rus ноздря

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 鼻孔 Simplified 鼻孔
Pinyin bi2 kong3
Deutsch Nasenloch (S)

JMdict 200217
Word 鼻の穴
Reading はなのあな
Translation dut neusgat
Translation eng nostril ; nostrils Translation ger Nasenloch
Crossref 鼻孔

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