Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hook , barb ; sickle ; stroke with
Pinyin GOU1 Jyutping gau1 ngau1 On KOU KU Kun KAGI KAKERU
Simplified U+94A9 Variant U+9264

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hook , barb ; sickle ; stroke with
Pinyin GOU1 Jyutping gau1 ngau1
Traditional U+920E U+9264 Variant U+9264

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hook , barb ; sickle ; stroke with
Pinyin gōu Jyutping gau1 ngau1 On KOU KU Kun KAGI KAKERU
Variant U+9264
Semantic Variant U+9264

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hook , barb ; sickle ; stroke with
Pinyin gōu Jyutping gau1 ngau1
Traditional U+9264 Variant U+9264

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