CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ei2
English hey ( to express surprise )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ei2
Deutsch Was? Er ist weg ! ( Int )

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an exclamation of confirmation
Pinyin E4 AI1 EI1 EI2 EI3 EI4 XI1 YI4 Jyutping aai2 e6 ei6 oi1 On KI KAI AI I Kun AA Korean HUY
Simplified U+8BF6 Variant U+5509

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an exclamation of confirmation
Pinyin AI1 EI1 EI2 EI3 EI4 XI1 Jyutping aai2 ei6 oi1
Traditional U+8A92 Variant U+5509

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