
JMdict 100319
Word 天禄
Reading てんろく
Translation eng Tenroku era ( 970.3 . 25- 973.12 . 20 )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 天祿 Simplified 天禄
Pinyin tian1 lu4
English auspicious sculpted animal , usu . a unicorn or deer with a long tail ; possession of the empire

JMdict 200217
Word 天禄
Reading てんろく
Translation spa periodo Tenroku ( 970-973 )
Translation eng Tenroku era ( 970.3 . 25- 973.12 . 20 ) Translation ger Tenroku ( Ärabez .: 25.3 . 970- 20.12 . 973 ) Translation rus 970 . III 973 . XII

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 天祿 Simplified 天禄
Pinyin tian1 lu4
English auspicious sculpted animal , usu . a unicorn or deer with a long tail ; possession of the empire

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