
JMdict 100319
Word 流行らす
Reading はやらす
Translation eng to popularize ; to give currency to ; to set a trend
Crossref 流行らせる

JMdict 100319
Word 流行らせる
Reading はやらせる
Translation eng to popularize ; to give currency to ; to set a trend
Crossref 流行らす

JMdict 200217
Word 流行らす
Reading はやらす
Translation eng to popularize ; to popularise ; to give currency to ; to set a trend Translation ger in Mode bringen Translation rus вводить в моду
Crossref 流行らせる

JMdict 200217
Word 流行らせる
Reading はやらせる
Translation eng to popularize ; to popularise ; to give currency to ; to set a trend Translation ger in Mode bringen Translation rus вводить в моду
Crossref 流行らす

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