
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition two pieces of jade joined together
Pinyin JUE2 On KAKU KOKU Hangul Korean KAK KOK

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
English gems mounted together

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
Deutsch zwei zusammenpassende Jadestücke (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jue2 Reading On カク ; コク Reading Korean gag
Meaning two pieces of jade joined together

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition two pieces of jade joined together
Pinyin jué Jyutping gok3 On KAKU KOKU Hangul : 0N Korean KAK KOK

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jue2 Reading On カク ; コク Reading Korean gag
Meaning two pieces of jade joined together

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
English gems mounted together

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
Deutsch zwei zusammenpassende Jadestücke

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