
CEDict 100318
Traditional 問候 Simplified 问候
Pinyin wen4 hou4
English to give one's respects ; to send a greeting

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 問候 Simplified 问候
Pinyin wen4 hou4
Deutsch jmd ( von jmd ) grüßen , Grüße bestellen (u.E.) (S) ; ( schöne ) Grüße (u.E.)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 問候 Simplified 问候
Pinyin wen4 hou4
English to give one's respects ; to send a greeting ; ( fig .) ( coll .) to make offensive reference to ( somebody dear to the person to whom one is speaking )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 問候 Simplified 问候
Pinyin wen4 hou4
Deutsch jmd ( von jmd ) grüßen , Grüße bestellen (S) ; ( schöne ) Grüße

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