Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to fly rapidly
Pinyin XIN4 On SHIN Kun TOBU Korean SIN
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0351.010
IRG Dae Jaweon 0351.010

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition corridor , hallway ; luxuriant
Pinyin WU3 WU2 Jyutping mou4 mou5 On BU Kun HISASHI Hangul Korean MWU Viet vu
Simplified U+5E91
KangXi 0351.010 KangXi position 0351.010

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to fly rapidly
Pinyin xùn Jyutping seon3 On SHIN Kun TOBU Korean SIN
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0351.010
IRG Dae Jaweon 0351.010

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition corridor , hallway ; luxuriant
Pinyin Jyutping mou4 mou5 On BU Kun HISASHI Hangul : 1N Korean MWU Viet vu
Simplified U+5E91
KangXi 0351.010 KangXi position 0351.010

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cover , hide , protect
Pinyin GAI4 GE3 HE2 Jyutping goi3 koi3 On GAI KAI KOU Kun KASA FUTA OOU Hangul Korean KAY HAP
Traditional U+84CB

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cover , hide , protect
Pinyin gài Jyutping goi3 koi3 On GAI KAI KOU Kun KASA FUTA OOU Hangul : 0N Korean KAY HAP
Traditional U+84CB

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