Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chirping of birds
Pinyin SAO4 Jyutping co3 cou3 On SOU SHOU Kun SAWAGU KASHIMASHII SUKI Korean SO
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0424.100
IRG Dae Jaweon 0424.100

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pucker up lips in smile ; press
Pinyin MIN3 Jyutping man5 On BIN MIN Kun NADERU
KangXi 0424.100 KangXi position 0424.100

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition chirping of birds
Pinyin zào Jyutping co3 cou3 On SOU SHOU Kun SAWAGU KASHIMASHII SUKI Korean SO
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0424.100
IRG Dae Jaweon 0424.100

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pucker up lips in smile ; press
Pinyin mǐn Jyutping man5 On BIN MIN Kun NADERU
KangXi 0424.100 KangXi position 0424.100

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