Unicode 5.2
Character Definition birds , fowl ; surname ;; capture
Pinyin QIN2 Jyutping kam4 On KIN Kun TORIKO TORI Hangul Korean KUM Tang *ghyim Viet cầm
Dae Jaweon, 1988 1270.060
IRG Dae Jaweon 1270.060

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition official residence , residence of
Pinyin DI3 Jyutping dai2 On TEI TAI Kun YASHIKI Hangul Korean CE
KangXi 1270.060 KangXi position 1270.060

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition birds , fowl ; surname ;; capture
Pinyin qín Jyutping kam4 On KIN Kun TORIKO TORI Hangul : 0E Korean KUM Tang *ghyim Viet cầm
Dae Jaweon, 1988 1270.060
IRG Dae Jaweon 1270.060

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition official residence , residence of
Pinyin Jyutping dai2 On TEI TAI Kun YASHIKI Hangul : 0N Korean CE
KangXi 1270.060 KangXi position 1270.060

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